Infant Boys

Wrap Around Care

Wrap Around Care

Our Wrap Around Care is open to children in Reception – Year 6 in the form of Breakfast Club and After School Club.

Breakfast Club runs from 8:00-8:40am Monday-Friday. Children are provided with cereal, fruit and toast with spreads.

After School Club runs until 6pm Monday-Thursday.  Children can join from the end of their school day (3:35pm or 3:50pm) or following participation in one of the After School Clubs with external providers from 5-6pm.  Children are provided with a sandwich, fruit, vegetables and a biscuit.

Places for Wrap Around Care are allocated on a first-come, first-served basis and must be paid for in advance online. We will try to accommodate last minute requests where possible, but these cannot be guaranteed and notice must be received by 1pm on the day for After School Club and for Breakfast Club the following day.

We offer a Creche for our Nursery children from 8:20-8:50am daily  This must be paid for in advance on School Gateway.